Track Tuesday Run - HOKA TIMED MILE

  • 12/08/2020
  • 5:45 AM - 7:00 AM
  • RHS Tiger Hollow


Registration is closed

THE HOKA TIMED MILE IS HERE TOMORROW!  AND, WE’LL HAVE A CHANCE TO DEMO THE BRAND NEW HOKA ROCKET X.   Come a few minutes early to grab your size if you’d like to trial a pair    

RRC will be bringing some Hoka Rocket X demos (the Rocket X is the "baby cousin" to the Carbon X, it's a lighter carbon-plated racing shoe) to the RBSC Track Workout on Tuesday, 12/8. The goal is to "time trial" a mile to test them out. The entire workout will be geared towards a timed mile -if you so chose to do so.   

5:45 AM-- RBC/RRC Sport Club Tuesday AM Track Run Workout – 12/8 HOKA TIMED MILE

 (All levels of runners are welcome.  Workouts and pace can be modified.)  

COVID 19 Protocols for the TRACK

  1. By now everyone should know the symptoms.   If you or anyone in your household are experiencing even a single symptom please do not come to the track. 
  2. Please do your best to maintain safe social distancing (6 feet).
  3. Masks won’t be required as we will be outside and should be able to maintain a safe distance.  That said, please feel free to wear one or wear a gator style around your neck to pull up as needed. 
  4. Avoid lapping runners unless you are two lanes away.
  5. No snot rockets or spitting in the track or field area.  If you need to do this please go to the fence and direct the projectiles away from the track into the grass.
  6. If you bring a water bottle, please make sure that it has your name on it or something distinguishable so we don’t pick up the wrong bottle.

If runners are on the track when we arrive, please leave lanes 1 & 2 open for them. 




  • If you learn of any real races, please let me know

Location:  RHS Track 5:45 AM:

  1. Warm up laps clockwise direction on track ~ 1 mile
  2. Dynamic warm-up (5 mins)
  3. Drills [2 X 50 skipping, 2X 50 butt kicks] ~ 0.5 miles
  4. 800, 1200 w 400 recoveries.   Pace: M + 30 seconds.
  5. 1600 Timed mile with 400 EZ recovery.  Pace: threshold ~ 3 miles  
  6. Cool down laps clockwise  [work in 4 X 100 backwards jog in last two 400’s] ~ 1 mile
  7. Lateral drills and static stretching (10 mins)

Total run distance ~ 5.5 miles   

Weather.c is forecasting a 5% chance of precipitation and 24 degrees (feels like 15) at 6 AM.  (breezy, break out the warm gear)

As always, feedback and workout suggestions are encouraged and appreciated.